Dangerous jobs that need accidental death insurance

01 21, 2021

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Whereas practically no one can predict a severe illness or accident, there is a group of people that counts on the probability of suffering a potentially fatal accident throughout adult life: workers in dangerous occupations.

No one enjoys thinking about their mortality, but, unfortunately, those who work in high-risk jobs must prepare for any eventuality, at least financially.

Within federal, provincial, and territorial occupational health and safety legislation, all Canadian workers have some level of workplace protection. Nonetheless, this is not the same for injury compensation insurance. Even nowadays, many workers in Canada are not covered by compensation boards, which means that, if something tragic happens, uncovered workers and their respective families will have to deal with the consequences with little help.

And tragic accidents do happen.

Every year, around 1000 workers die in Canadian workplaces. Regardless of the health and safety measures that companies apply, there is still lots of room for disastrous incidents to happen. From hazardous work conditions to debilitating social environments, many factors can put someone's health and life at risk.

A few years ago, Adzuna, a search engine for job advertisements, conducted a study taking a closer look at Canada’s most risky jobs. As the research revealed, even with technological advances and stricter health and safety regulations, there are many industries where the risks to workers are still remarkably high.

To protect their families and loved ones, these workers often consider applying for an insurance plan that can guarantee their financial independence and security. At Speciality Life Insurance, we have the right solution for these cases: Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance.

What is Accidental Death Insurance?

Accidental Death is, very often, a clause or rider connected to a life insurance policy. It refers to a payment due to the beneficiary of an Accidental Death insurance policy, and it is, generally, paid in addition to the standard benefit. However, many insurance companies also sell this product separately. That is the case of Specialty Life Insurance. We offer an Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance plan that provides coverage up to $250,000, with no medical exams or health questionnaires required.

As the name suggests, this policy pays benefits in the case of a person’s accidental death or dismemberment - which is the loss of body parts or functions. It covers exceptional circumstances, such as traffic accidents, falls, drowning, and accidents involving heavy equipment or hazardous materials. This means that if you lose your life or ability to work while on the job, you can receive up to 200% of the principal sum amount, depending on the occurrence.

The most dangerous and deadliest jobs in Canada

While some jobs are reasonably safe, others represent a vast and continuing risk to workers’ health and life. According to AWCBC (Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada), based on total fatalities, Canada’s most dangerous industries are quite varied and can present, at times, up to five fatalities on the job per workday.

Contrary to common belief, firefighters and police officers are relatively secure in terms of workplace hazards compared to industries like mining, commercial fishing, or construction.

If your professional life is connected to any of the industries we are going to mention below, we strongly recommend considering an Accidental Death insurance plan. Assuming that your job carries a lot of risks (and potentially fatal ones), there is nothing like ensuring your family’s peace of mind and economic security by getting an insurance policy.

Mining and quarrying workers.

Mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, accounting for over 12,000 deaths each year. With falls of ground and rock bursts occurring frequently, the mining and quarrying workers are often at risk. Besides, as underground mines become older and deeper, they are generally more prone to disastrous incidents.

Considering that in Ontario only mines are operating at depths approaching 3,000 meters, it is easy to assume that the risks are immensely high in a country like Canada. Mining environments are tough settings to work in, and the risks aren’t only physical - they are also ergonomic and psychological. From asphyxiation to stress and depression, the likelihood of facing physical and mental health problems in this sector is immense.

  • Median annual wage: $85,722 per year.

Construction and ground maintenance workers.

As one can imagine, construction zones can be particularly hazardous work environments, especially in a country with harsh weather conditions like Canada. Working in the construction of buildings, bridges, and city infrastructure isn’t for the faint of heart. But even the most courageous and careful workers are constantly at risk in this sector.

Getting struck by objects and materials, being exposed to the elements, air contaminants and fires, and handling heavy machinery, tools, and equipment, are some of the main dangers workers face daily. But here’s another significant threat that is not adequately recognized: in the construction industry, workplace violence is a huge problem, counting as one of the biggest causes of injuries at work. This also has a significant impact on the worker’s mental health, increasing their chances of developing chronic stress, anxiety, and even depression.

  • Median annual wage: $39,975 per year.

Iron and Steelworkers.

Iron and steel workers handle dangerous equipment on a daily basis, but, in the profession, the real killer is high heights. These workers usually work on skyscrapers, city buildings, and bridges, raising, placing, and uniting iron or steel columns and trusses. This makes any fall, slip, or trip potentially deadly.

Besides that, iron and steel workers are also at risk of suffering non-fatal injuries that can hurt them for long periods or even indefinitely, like burns, muscle strain, and even dismemberment. Many studies have found that those who work with iron and steel show a significantly increased risk of lung cancer. This is mainly due to the chemicals (like uranium, arsenic, or asbestos) and airborne toxins frequently present in work environments.

  • Median annual wage: $62,839 per year.

Air pilots, navigators and flight engineers.

While major airline pilots have low job fatality rates, practically any other flight and air professional face health risks and a high probability of fatal accidents.
Flying new planes or those recently repaired can be perilous for test pilots, especially if we consider the influence of adverse weather conditions.

Helicopter pilots also face many risks, mainly when they perform rescue missions, while engineers face daily exposure to hazardous chemicals and dangerous materials. Finally, the psychological effects can also be substantial. Pilots, navigators and flight engineers have erratic schedules and are usually away from their homes and families for extended periods of time, which can lead to loneliness and, in some cases, depression.

  • Median annual wage: between $65,000 – $85,000 per year.

Logging & forestry workers.

Canada has a proud lumberjack tradition. However, not many people are aware of how the work of a lumberjack can be extremely demanding and potentially dangerous. Falling trees, adverse weather conditions, heavy equipment, dangerous environment… These are some of the risks that loggers and forestry workers face every day, both in the woods and in the workshops.

However, one of the biggest problems relies on the fact that these jobs generally take place in isolated locations, far away from hospitals. As a result, when a severe accident occurs, workers face even higher risks of developing an untreatable injury or even dying.
Even though the industry is becoming safer, there is no way around this: logging and forestry is a dangerous career choice.

  • Median annual wage: $54,600 per year.

Commercial fishers.

Hostile marine environment, bad weather conditions, malfunctioning gear, injuries from fish spines or bacteria, and even drowning… No wonder the fishing industry has one the highest incidence of workplace fatalities!

According to the Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, the commercial fishing industry has the highest death rate out of any other employment sector in Canada. But there are other risks to consider. Fatigue from long hours of work and night shifts, lack of food and kitchen hygiene, and loneliness are other significant health issues in the fishing industry.

  • Median annual wage: $27,085 per year.

Truck drivers.

Exhaustion from long hauls, bad weather and road conditions, and maneuvering large loads that can become unbalanced are just some of the dangers faced by truckers. According to the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), more than 100 tow-truck drivers in North America die each year on the job. But non-fatal injuries are also quite common, especially musculoskeletal ones. In fact, Peripheral Arterial Disease, caused by a blockage in blood vessels around the body, is commonly known among workers as the Trucker’s Leg.

But there is more. The loneliness, lack of exercise, sleep, and healthy eating that truck drivers face, also potentiates their chances of getting depression, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and even suffering a stroke.

  • Median annual wage: $49,854 per year.

Farmers and Ranchers.

Farming seems, for most people, like a hard and yet peaceful occupation. Nonetheless, this is far from the truth. Nowadays, modern farming practices generally involve the heavy use of motorized vehicles. As a result, many fatal injuries occur while operating these vehicles and machinery.

But that’s not all. Farming situations present many respiratory hazards to workers, which often leads to severe respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and permanent lung damage. Skin disorders and hearing loss are also two common problems, affecting mainly those exposed to grain dust. Nonetheless, chemical toxicity and accidents related to machinery are the most dangerous risks associated with farm working.

  • Median annual wage: $34,563 per year.

Pipefitters and commercial plumbing.

Pipefitters, plumbers, and steamfitters have one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations in Canada. Exposure and proximity to substances like lead, sulphur dioxide, adhesives, and solvents, not to mention flammable products, is one of the risks these workers face on a daily basis.

Besides, working in confined spaces and in awkward positions also potentiates their chances of getting musculoskeletal injuries, burns, and eye injuries. For some, exposure to sewage and contaminated soil can also cause severe health problems, such as infections by E. coli, parasites, hepatitis, and tetanus.

  • Median annual wage: $64,350 per year.

Garbage and Recycling Collectors.

Garbage and recycling collection is a much more dangerous job than most people realize. In fact, it is one of the top five most dangerous jobs in America, surpassing farmworkers, steelworkers, and powerline installers.

In addition to working with big and dangerous machines, these workers are also exposed to the risks posed by hazardous materials and traffic accidents caused by fatigue - it is essential to keep in mind that commercial drivers often start their route before 2 a.m.
Injuries from broken glass, used needles, nails from construction sites, and many other waste items, are quite common. Still, being struck by a vehicle remains the leading cause of fatalities in the industry.

  • Median annual wage: $31,200 per year.

Our Accidental Death Insurance plan can help you!

Willingly or not, many people end up in jobs that continuously put their safety in peril. If this is your case, don’t underestimate the need to purchase a policy. Investing in an Accidental Death Insurance plan is the best way to protect you and your loved ones if something happens to you at work.

Qualifying for our Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance is quite easy: you only need to be a permanent Canadian resident between the ages of 18 to 69. As already stated, you don’t have to go through medical exams or questionnaires to receive the insurance you need. Even if you had or are currently facing health issues, you can easily apply for this plan.

If you have any doubts regarding this policy or any other that Speciality Life Insurance offers, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our specialized team will be delighted to walk you through the process of buying insurance and prepare a quote for you. 

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