Effortless Lifelong Coverage: Simplifying Permanent Life Insurance

Traditional permanent life insurance often comes with a tedious application process, bogged down by medical exams, exhaustive questionnaires, and doctor’s reports. We’ve transformed this journey, eliminating the stress and complexities, yet providing powerful protection of up to $500,000.

Our streamlined, paperless process can offer instant approval, with no medical exams and no wait. Meet a new way to provide lifetime protection for your family.

What is Permanent Life?

Permanent Life Insurance offers lifelong protection, ensuring your loved ones are financially protected throughout your lifetime. Upon your passing, it guarantees a tax-exempt payout to your designated beneficiaries, providing them with a secure financial future.

Why do I need it?

Cover funeral expenses & final costs

Covering funeral expenses and other final costs can be a significant concern, with the cost of a funeral in Canada reaching up to $15,000. This financial strain can be overwhelming for families during a time of loss. Life insurance can provide relief, offering a benefit that eases the financial burden on your loved ones when they need it most.

Supplement retirement income for your partner

If your partner relies on your retirement income such as Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan, a life insurance benefit can provide a source of income to help maintain their quality of life.

Cover estate taxes and other related costs

Life insurance can help manage estate taxes and related costs by offering a tax-free sum of money to the beneficiaries after the policyholder passes away. This money can be used to pay off estate taxes, ensuring the family's inheritance is protected. It's a practical way to ensure that loved ones can inherit without worrying about large tax bills, making the transfer of assets smoother and stress-free.

Provide a nest egg for your loved ones

Life insurance can serve as a lasting legacy, supporting your loved ones financially when you're not around. The benefit can help cover their living costs, pay for school, or even help them buy a home.

Your Permanent Life Insurance Options

Paramount Term 100 Life Insurance
  • Affordable lifetime protection up to $500,000
  • No medicals, simple health questionnaire
Excelsior Guaranteed Life Insurance
  • Guaranteed acceptance plan regardless of health
  • Up to $50,000 in coverage
Compare products to see which one is a better fit for you!
Term 100

Coverage amount

From $10,000 to $500,000


Guaranteed to stay level

Acceptance criteria

  • Permanent Canadian Resident
  • Ages 18-80
  • Health questionnaire

Best suited for

  • Covering large debt
  • Providing security for lifelong dependents
  • Leaving a legacy
  • Estate planning
Guaranteed Life Insurance

Coverage amount

From $5,000 to $50,000


Guaranteed to stay level

Acceptance criteria

  • Permanent Canadian Resident
  • Ages 18-80
  • One health related question

Best suited for

  • Covering funeral expenses
  • Covering modest debt
  • Leaving a gift for loved ones
What Our Clients Say
Want to learn more about life insurance?

Our Resource Centre is your go-to guide for understanding life insurance. Whether you are exploring life insurance for the first time or looking to deepen your knowledge, our resources are designed to make complex concepts easy to grasp.

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