Does Life Insurance Include Accidental Death? A Complete Guide

09 14, 2023
Jake Smith

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Even though it's a tough topic to talk about, death is something we can't avoid. Hence, as the saying goes, preparation is the key to success. This includes understanding your life insurance policy, specifically asking, "does life insurance include accidental death?"

In this post, we answer this question and explore Specialty Life's insurance offerings, focusing on accidental death coverage to help you better understand and plan your coverage.

Does Your Life Insurance Include Accidental Death?

While it's true that many life insurance policies already incorporate a degree of coverage for accidental death, it's crucial to recognize that the level of protection can distinctively vary from one plan to another.

Specialty Life offers you the option to get Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Plans as either a standalone product, or rider to extend your coverage. This mean you get further customization for your policy.

Why Add Accidental Death Plan as Rider?

By choosing to integrate AD&D coverage as a rider in your policy, you get added benefits in the unfortunate event of your accidental death or if you were to lose a limb or senses like sight or hearing as a result of an accident. This means that your existing life insurance policy can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences, helping ensure that you're covered comprehensively for such misfortunate incidents.

This customization enables you to feel more secure, knowing that the policy not only fits within your budget but also achieves the right balance of coverage to meet your family's potential needs.


Family resting easy thanks to their life insurance and accidental death coverage from Specialty Life


The Importance of Accidental Death Insurance

While term life insurance plays a vital role in providing peace of mind, by combining term life insurance with an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Plan, you provide more holistic and comprehensive coverage for your family. Below, we've listed some key reasons why this addition is important:

  • Expanded coverage: Accidents can occur without warning, the additional coverage an AD&D plan provides can ensure that your family has financial support in the event of your accidental death or dismemberment.
  • Financial stability: The financial compensation from an AD&D plan can help your family handle expenses, such as funeral costs or medical charges, reducing financial stress during a difficult time.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that your family has an added layer of financial protection in case of an accident can provide peace of mind.
  • Affordability: Adding AD&D as a rider to a life insurance policy is typically more affordable than purchasing it as a standalone plan.

At the end of the day, accidents are unpredictable. The added protection of an AD&D plan ensures your family's financial stability amidst such unforeseen events.


A mom carefully reading paper with her children. Accidental death coverage offers an added layer of protection, so you can enjoy life's moments with less worry.


Grasping Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plans

An AD&D plan functions similarly to life insurance when a death arises from an accident. However, it diverges from conventional coverage in that benefits are also disbursed if you lose a limb or sensory function due to an accident.

Moreover, when added as a rider to a life insurance policy, AD&D coverage offers an affordable, easy-to-access protection for Canadian residents aged 18-69. It's a valuable addition to life insurance, providing an added layer of peace of mind.


A woman reading about Accidental Death & Dismemberment plans to fortify her family's financial safety net.


What Sets Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plans Apart?

Our AD&D Plans go beyond the usual, offering robust coverage that comes with added benefits like rehabilitation, bereavement, and daycare benefits. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, hence the 30-day money-back guarantee that accompanies all our AD&D Plans.

What Does AD&D Cover?

An Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan from Specialty Life is more than extra financial security in the event of death or dismemberment caused by an accident. Our plan also offers various additional coverages for specific debilitating conditions. Here are the coverage details:

  • Loss of sight, hearing, speech, or limbs: If a covered accident results in the loss of sight, hearing, speech, or a limb, the policy provides financial compensation. The degree of compensation can vary depending on the severity and combination of losses.
  • Paralysis, coma, severe burns: Catastrophic injuries such as paralysis, entering a coma, or suffering severe burns due to an accident are also covered. Hence, financial assistance is provided to aid recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Brain Death: Our AD&D Plan takes care of your family even in extreme circumstances, such as brain death resulting from an accident.
  • Loss of use of limbs or senses: If an accident doesn't result in outright loss but substantially impedes the normal functioning of a limb or sense, the policy provides a payout. These could range from not being able to move a limb to significantly reduced vision or hearing capacity.
  • Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia: The plan includes benefits if an accident leads to quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs), paraplegia (paralysis of the lower body), or hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body).

By covering broad conditions under its plan, our AD&D coverage acts as a significant safety net against life's unpredictability, providing a broad shield of protection for you and your loved ones.


A woman realizing the wide-ranging coverage offered by an AD&D plan.

Life Insurance Plus AD&D: Assuring Comprehensive Protection

When you add an Accidental Death and Dismemberment plan to your term life insurance, you equip your family with an all-encompassing protective coverage against unexpected events. This comprehensive shield ensures your loved ones' financial stability, granting you added peace of mind.

Family holding hands with the peace of mind that only comprehensive coverage can provide.



While a traditional life insurance policy provides a financial safety net for your family, incorporating an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) plan within your existing coverage can enhance this protection, creating a powerful safeguard for unexpected and tragic events.

Above all, we encourage you to remember the significant role life insurance plays in a solid financial plan - protecting your loved ones from the financial repercussions of unexpected life events. With the addition of an AD&D rider, you're not just protecting their present, but also securing their future.



Strengthen Your Life Protection Today

While we may not be able to predict life's accidents, with AD&D coverage as part of your life insurance plan, you can provide your family with an extra layer of safety.

Consider fortifying your family's financial safety net today. Our team at Specialty Life is here to help you every step of the way, ensuring you obtain personalized, robust, and affordable coverage that aligns with your budget and financial goals.


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